Drunken Monkey Knife Fight

A ridiculous game of fast-paced betting and primate combat for 3-5 players

In Drunken Monkey Knife Fight, players take on the role of filthy pirates betting their ill-gotten booty on a pair of primate characters fighting for their unsavory entertainment. Each pirate is trying to rig the fight in favor of their favored monkey by throwing assorted illicit substances and weapons into the ring. The monkeys are mostly just doing their best to stay upright while picking up whatever nonsense comes their way. A game of very silly combat, surprisingly deep strategic betting, and embarrassingly low-brow humor. No fight is ever the same twice! May the drunkest monkey win!

DMKF Online

Play the fully scripted digital version of DMKF on Tabletop Simulator right now and fight strangers online!

DMKF @ Home

Download and print the full game, so you can bet on the monkey fights in meatspace with your most unsavory friends.

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